Wednesday, September 9, 2009


You may be wondering where all that money went and how much I earned from my orders. Well I earned bum-buda-bum! 5 dollars! Yes my sales amount was one peach cobbler but that's alright. I also decided which organization to send the money to......Invisible Children! Please take a look at their site! It is about helping child soldiers in Africa and I am donating right now. Unfortunately the minimum is $5 so I can't keep anything but that's okay! The cause is way more important than me! Anyway, I think you get a bracelet and an Info packet. I think I might post the information packet up here and then give the bracelet to my customer so I am excited to see what happens.



Friday, August 28, 2009

Cobbler Time!

Well, my cobbler is in the oven and smells delicious! Uh-oh hold on! The buzzer is going off

Okay I'm back! I am putting it in the oven for a little longer and I am going to check it a little bit more too. Anyway! So I'm eating my first grilled cheese sandwich I've ever made! It's pretty good but I wish it was warmer! I really hope my friend likes her cobbler and her brother too.And maybe her family too if they eat it. Sorry this blog was pointless. I just realized how starving I am! Oh my goodness they are here!
Got to go
Well my friend liked it! Now she is going to bring it over to her family!
Thank you for reading!



Make Sure To Look At My Links!

Look on the side and you'll see my lovable links;

My first Sale!

            Alrighty! Today I am making my first sale! The Peach Cobbler. (oooh) I am very excited! I am going to make the cobbler have stips of dough on the top to form a pattern and it is going to look lovely. I will probably post a picture on my website for you guys (if anyone is there). I hope I make some more sales. I am making the peach cobbler for five dollars and the rest I will probably make less. Except if someone wants the berry tart which has to be a little more expensive (because there are tons of berries)! I wish I could sell them to the world! But then you people wouldn't get them warm and tasty! (yummy) Oh my goodness! That is a real downside because if you ordered the apple pie then the delicious uhh, sauce full of cinnamon and sugar wouldn't melt out when you cut your first slice. And that's really to bad! Anyway, that's a dream of mine. But maybe I'll put up recipes in my blog for you guys to make them if you wanted to. Then there might be enough to sell in every town and state and country! That's an interesting idea but even I know, that no one is really reading this!
Cordially yours,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Helping an Elderly

Yes! One of my first good deeds! I am teaching my grandma how to use her new Mac computer! I think she is really getting the hang of it. I soon will be helping my grandpa a little too. If your grandparents live far away you probably won't have time to visit them. But going to an care center for the elderly is one of the sweetest things you can do! Please tell me if you do one of these things and you will be added to my list of the "Angels of America"!



Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Miss Caroline's Pie Shop!

Okay, if you have seen the movie or gone to see the musical "Sweeney Todd", you probably know what I'm talking about but if not, that's alright!ALthough I might have freaked you out just mentioning Sweeney Todd, it is a pretty horrifying movie... Anyway! I recently made some pastries my family liked which included Apple Pies and a BIG fruit tart. I have decided that I will set up a stand in my town and make a bunch of pastries and sell them right outside the bakery! I'm just kidding...seriously I was just kidding there! But couldn't you imagine that? Back to baking. This is my list of the things I'm going to make:

Caroline's Kitchen

Apple Pies
Berry Tart
Peach Cobbler
And Old-fashioned-donuts

Have any other ideas for treats? I probably will do it this weekend so tell me!

Half of the money I will keep and the rest I will give to charities. (I mean those pies are going to be a little expensive to make and don't forget the stuff you will ask for me to make)!

So that's it! I can't get off this Italic thing! How annoying.



Sunday, August 23, 2009

Save the Manatees!

Hello There! It's time to save our sea cows of the world! These lovable and adorable creatures need our help. Boaters and pollution is making it harder for these animals to survive. Adopting a manatee donates to the cause and teaches you more about these manatees. You can also volunteer which I am planning to do! Please check out this website! My family is planning to adopt three manatees! Amanda the manatee with her two daughters; Ariel and Betsey.

Love (the manatees),


Welcome to my Blog!

Hello to anyone who is reading this! I made this blog to write down what I am doing to make a difference in the world, and for any of you who would like to try too. It may be hard sometimes but I am going to try the best I can! You may know that I had a blog on another website but I decided to change what I was doing. If you have ever been to, you can see a list of takes to " Do Something " to help the world! There were around....165 tasks that I was to finish before the summer ended. Well, I finally decided I was in over my head! Projects that you choose to do should come from your heart, I think. But if you do have trouble finding a task to do, is an AMAZING website and I love it! But now my tasks will be my own and I will try to have as much fun as possible! I hope you enjoy my blog (whoever you are).

Yours forever and a day,
